Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Aikido Yoshokai curiousity...

So started back at Aikido with eldest daughter... and now the "academic" brain has started going...

She had her second class this last Saturday, and I attended my first beginners/basic class in ooooo... 18 years give or take (my 3rd kyu test was back in 90/91 just before the split.)

Eldest had a good time (the important thing at this stage) and even convinced the instructor to show her the use of the bokken. The instructor just showed her basic etiquette, which was a good call. I attribute going for the weapon as being indicitive that she's my daughter. :-)

As for the basic class, it went pretty well considering I'm out of shape and out of practice. The technique was familiar, nothing new except the ending pin. It was slightly different than what I expected (but don't have any recollection of what I might have done in the past.)

So the academic part I mentioned. It's been just shy of 20 years since AYANA split from Yoshinkai and became Yoshokai. I'm curious if any differences have developed, at least noticeable ones. Somme pins seem different, but just curious if anything else has changed especially since Kushida Sensei's son is pretty much head instructor (though there is is a claim that there is a governing body too.) What little I find on line seems to think there is little difference between the two except that AYANA is still highly centralized and controlled. For example test standards are very strict and still are sent out from the head dojo in the case of AYANA.

Also wondering how IYAF is doing, as there were some concerns, back in the day, that standards for dojos were going to become a little more loose (or allow for more independence depending on you view.) So wondering how that is going.

And again I view this as very academic as what matters on the ground is that the dojo I go to is run by good teachers, and that my daughter and I find it fun to do. Also eventually we'll introduce daughter #2 to Aikido, once I have #1 fully hooke. :-)

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Sunday, December 06, 2009

and on it goes...

So went to the YWCA for weight training this AM... been ages (o.k. months) since I've been there. They moved the Kids' Fit Room, so took a couple minutes to figure out where to drop the daughters off. To explain this Y provides a general supervised play room to drop off you 5 to 10 (iirc age range) for an hour or so while you go do weights, aerobics, or a class. Nice option to have on a Sunday morn...

Y was busy, no surprise, but the free weight area had the usual number of regulars. So easy to rotate in. Did squats, dumb bell press, lat pull, back extension, and leg lifts. Then some stretching.

Overall pretty good but I'm sure I'll feel it tomorrow...

Yesterday AM took the eldest to her first Aikido lesson. She was really nervous as she had no idea what it was going to be like. But once there she relaxed and started having fun. Helps that the lead instructor and his back up are really good at what they do. It was my daughter and four boys, the funny part being that daughter was one with shorter hair in the class.

Was able to say hi to an instructor I worked with many moons ago, she of course didn't recognize me but no surprise there.

Weight wise things continue to go in a good direction, so happy about that. Just need to be diligent about intake.

Tomorrow... conditioning/aerobic day in other words I'm going to try to run. :-)

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Thursday, December 03, 2009

first day or so...

Did well on the first of Dec (around 19k calories) but not so hot on day two... gave in to my weaknesses and had take out Chinese for dinner. Overall calories are o.k. but it was way too much food late in the day (did fine until dinner, around 600 calories tops).

So weight will inch down and just need to let the gout clear up enought so I can exercise again... hoping Monday.


Wednesday, December 02, 2009

getting back on the wagon...

Weight is way up...
Had (and still recovering from) the worst gout attack for me. Of course didn't recognize the symptoms, and it started just before Thanksgiving. So 4 days of not really managing it... But that's changed and the foot is starting to feel better.

So diet front, Started on Dec 1...
Hacker's Diet (www.fourmilab.ch/hackdiet/www/hackdiet.html) essentially keep track of what you eat, but from an engineering approach as it were. Once again I'm using Google Docs for the spreadsheet. Goal is 2000 kcal a day or less. Snuck in at 1950 yesterday, essentially if I can behave at work and not snack at home, I'll be fine. I'll also try to use rules from the No S diet to help change habits (www.nosdiet.com). These two approaches are probalby my fovorite for no nonsense, no tricks, diets. Not easy to follow, but no fads, etc.

Once the gout eases up I'll start running again. First event is a 10k on Jan 1. Should be doable... Then we'll get the rest of the schedule firmed up.

Finally hope eldest daughter likes the martial art I'll be taking her to this weekend. If so I'll attend the intro class that happens right after the youth class.

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