So next phase of indoor cycling...
So last night I finally did a FTP test... a.k.a. Functional threshold power, a measurement (via power meter, or in this case "virtual power" in watts) that is used to set the level of effort for my indoor rides.
Essentailly Trainer Road will adjust the ride based on your FTP, so you have a better idea as to what level of effort you should be at.
The good news is my FTP is up, now at 194 vs the year old 163. The bad news, workouts will now be harder.
So the Sufferfest videos will now come with a new level of suffering... woohoo.
Virtual Power - to explain that... I don't have a power meter but, because I have a known brand of stationary trainger (Kurt Kinetic Road Machine) the amound of power can be estimated based on the speed of the rear wheel. Turns out to be fairly close to actual power (w/ in 5% to 10%). So indoors at least I get the advantage of power training w/out the expense of a power meter. The Trainer Road software reads takes care fo the conversion.
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