Monday, October 24, 2011


O.K. time to get serious and try to blog more. :-) cough, yeah right...
Focus for this blog will be more about diet & exercise... I need to loose weight, get into better shape, and generally improve my health. No there have not been any great warnings from a doctor or anything. Just the self realization that my general shape has slid way down hill, I have bad knees, and a heart that's been patched up twice in my life.

So the goal is to both blog about what I'm doing and what sort of software/web sites I'm going to try out...

So first of:

Exercise -
Yesterday started out on a modified Couch to 5k program. The goal is I'd like to get back to where I could run for a full 30 minutes (eventually more) at a time. So I'm starting with Cool Running's program ( but w/ slight modification. I know I have some stamina I'm starting at week 4. I misread it so my run yesterday was a 3/5/3 pattern. I did that twice then finished w/ a 3 min run. I'll repeat that twice more this week and then follow the rest of their plan.

Strength wise I'm looking at the basic combo of pushups/situps/squats using my own body weight. It's a start and I'll probably use the charts for starting points and goals.

In addition I'll still do martial arts. But those are actually more about relaxation and body movement for me.

Next - Nutrition/Food
I refuse to use the term diet, the goal is to improve what I eat and how much I eat. Yes I will still be tracking calories ( in and out. But I'm going to try to be more mindful of my eating. Following advice from Michael Pollen's Food Rules. Like "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.", "Eat meals.", and "Avoid foods you see advertised on television.". Essentially basic advice on eating better and getting away from the food=nutrition only crowd.

Along with that I'm going to utilize what I learned from The Hacker's Diet ( as well as The No S Diet ( to try to improve what and how I eat.

Well that's a start... next I'll start diving into some of the software/web sites I've mentioned to help out.

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