Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday Morning ride as a TCBC "ride leader"

According to the bike comp... did 40.36 miles this am at 14.79 mph average.. slow but then again I suck on hills. Weather was nice, started around 50 degrees and warmed up a little bit. Overall a good ride.

Fun thing is it just wasn't Bjorn and I. Another TCBC member showed up so there were three of us. He tried to get us into a good rotation, but since Bjorn and I mostly ride with each other we didn't catch on right away (c'est la vie). He and Bjorn did the extra 5 mile loop, but I decided to skip it. The legs were just dying on the hills. As it was I was quite slow on Smith, Sibley/13 and Ohio. Ended up walking up Summit (got about midway up before the knees decided to inform me I should stop.)

Here's the route at MapMyRide: Mileage is off as Map My Ride can be a real pain to use... plus I rode to and from the start so that adds about 6 miles.

Dist: 40.36 miles
Time: 2:43:38 (h:mm:ss)
Avg. Speed: 14.79 mph
Max Speed: 29.79 mph
kcal: 1497
Avg HR: 120
Max HR: 143
In Zone: 0:50:48 (h:mm:ss)

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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Riding last week...

so rode the bike on 5/18, 5/20, 5/21... All felt pretty good. The 5/18 ride was just under 20 miles (19.9 or something) and I averaged around 16.7 or so. Other two days were commuting to work and back. So 10 miles one way averaging, overall, around 16 mph.

So next up... need to find time to do some longer rides (40 mile plus) to see if the stamina is there and if my avg speed will stay steady at 16 to 17 mph.

Along with that... need to loose weight as usual... and somehow get to the gym. With the new gig that's going to be hard.


Thursday, May 07, 2009

Thursday ride - 3/7

Did the river road route including lock & dam #1... bit of a head wind on the way back helped kill my avg mph.
On the upside was running anywhere from 17 to 19 mph avg on river road. On the leg of Minnehaha Ave I was able to keep the speed at 24 to 25 mph, so that felt good... then I hit the wind out of the west... sigh.

71 degrees F
Mostly Sunny
Winds out of the west averaging 12 mph with 18 mph gusts... and of course I head west at the end of the ride.

Dist: 16.76 miles
Time: 1:01:04 (h:mm:ss)
Avg Speed: 16.47 mph
Max Speed: 28.03 mph
Kcal: 779
Avg HR: 139
Max HR: 152
In Zone: 00:41:31
