Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Coach Troy Torture Fest

a.k.a. haven't done squat since saturday and don't have much time today...

So did one of the 30 min workouts on the DVD that came with my Kurt Kinetic Road Machine (http://www.kurtkinetic.com/ - great product.) This was the second work out focusing on anaerobic threshold.

so after warm up 5 reps of
90 on at big ring/15
90 off at small ring/15

One rep of
90 on at big ring/13
90 off at small ring/15

One rep of
90 on at big ring/13
90 off at small ring/15

then a 2 minute rest followed by
1 min big ring/19
1 min big ring/15
1 min big ring/12

Cool down...

uff da. short but intense... yay endorphins.


Monday, February 16, 2009

more training...

Rode Sat, did the Spinervals hill ride again (dvd #24.0). Went well, and I think I was able to up my pace just a tad.

Next up? Signed up for two classes at the YWCA... 5 hour spin classes to be exact. Yup sit on a spin bike for about 5 hours (bio breaks, etc. allowed) and try to simulate a long distance event.

Did it last year, and it seemed to help. I'll try to improve my performance this year.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mon & Wed rides and other stuff

So short ride monday
5 to 8 min warm up
2 sets of 4 for intervals
then 8 to 10 minute cool down.

Why... off to a sleep study. Got all hooked up and then couple hours of monitoring with out, then with a cpap.
Yup got apnea... cpap stops it.

Normal routine
10 min warm up
3 sets of 4 intervals
10 min cool down.

will repeat on friday and maybe go up to 3 sets of 5...

cadence during rests seems to be around 80 to 85 so need to get that highe...


Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Tues night ride on trainer

Did intervals tonight. 3 sets of 4. The pattern is:
10 min warm up in Big Ring/19 then...

a set is (in the big ring) -
30 seconds - go from 17 to 12 every 5 seconds, last 10 seconds in the 12 (yes that means skipping a gear or two.)
30 seconds - rest in 19
Repeat 4 times for a set.

rest 5 minutes between sets.

then cool down is 10 minutes in big ring/19 again.

So 42 minutes or so total (well did a little longer cool down so stats are...)
Time: 43:18
kCal: 538
Max HR: 158
Avg HR: 139
In Zone: 21:28

at best my cadence was 80 to 82 slowing down to the 70s near the end (in the 19...)


Monday, February 02, 2009

Spinervals - 24 Hilacious

First off I still believe Coach Troy could be Henry Rollins' little brother...

Anyhow... rode the bike last night to Spinvervals DVD that is designed to help on hill climbing... Overall I like the Spinervals DVDs as they mix different types of interval training together so it doesn't get too boring. I've used this DVD before and find that it's a good workout.

The first two sets of climbs are O.K. (big ring / 14 or 13 in back 8 minutes each set.) Because I have a compact crank I try to remember to go one cog up from what the DVD says to get a similar workout. So though the DVD says to do the climbs in the 14 cog I follow the verbal advice from Troy and put it in the 13 cog. Seems to help.

Next up was 3 sets of 3 "rollers". Essentially high cadence while increasing resistance to simulate go over a series of rolling hills. Though it can be tough I like this part the best as you have to keep switching gears, keep the cadence high, etc. I do think the several minute cool down between sets is a bit long, so I'll just try to spin in a higher gear.

Last two sets were to simulate steep grades... this is where having a compact crank kinda hurts me. So even though I have it in the big ring and 12 on back, I just can't get quite enough resistance. Not big deal right now as I'm out of shape, but I'm gonna need to work on that to be able to do hills in the spring and summer. My response for this will be to increase cadence hopefully that will help.

Tonight, back to interval training and the "Smithers' Super Sekrit Plan".
