Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sun AM ride

So met up with Bjorn for our TCBC "Early Morning Madness" ride... We were the only two that showed up, so another nice ride with Bjorn, except for that flat tire I got on Shepherd road. Mid way down Shepherd (near ) is when my rear wheel sound funny. I pulled off the road in in seconds it went from soft to flat. Then I had to bum an inner tube from Bjorn as the stem of mine was too short... sigh. Sadly I took Bjorn's advice and inspected the tire, finding a couple of small cracks (where stones, etc, could get through.) So deciding discretion over valor we headed home.

Then it got fun... :-) As we were having a good conversation Bjorn forgot we had to make a right hand turn to get to the Nokomis Parkway. So suddenly I am using my arm (shoulder to shoulder) to push him away while hoping neither of us crashed. From now on I'm going to call him McEwen from now on. :-D (

71 degrees out (about 22 C for non-US citizens), overcast, and 63% humidity. Enough to be sticky out...

Stats -
Dist: 21.42 miles
Time: 1:16:22 (h:mm:ss - this is on bike time, not including tire change)
Avg Speed: 16.83 mph
Max Speed: 28.03 mph
kCal: 750
Avg HR: 112 (forgot to stop it during the tire change)
Max HR: 139 (didn't hit any really hard hills...)
In Zone: 0:23:56 (h:mm:ss - I don't really believe in the "zone" anymore...)



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